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Partnering with Pasion De Servir

Writer's picture: Kevin MoyzanKevin Moyzan

The Powerballers Organization has partnered with Pasion De Servir, a Christian Organization serving the community in San Cristobal, Dominican Republic. This organization helps children and families with food, education, medical check-ups and housing. In this community is a group of children who LOVE baseball but they were lacking the gear in order to play the game. Over the winter months the Powerballers collected new and used baseball gear for these kids and our POWERBALLERS FAMILIES saw a need and came through! We collected over 100 pairs of cleats and shoes, 40 baseball gloves, and numerous amounts of baseball pants, hats, clothing, and bats…..etc. I’m happy to report that these donations were received with smiling faces and cheers. In learning more about this community, I found out that in order for these boys to play baseball, they need to attend school and have good grades, they need to attend church every Sunday and they need to be helping out with chores at home. These boys wanting to play baseball is a huge motivation for them to do all those things and stay out of trouble. The kids and the coaches were so thankful for the donations they received, that they wanted to represent the Powerballers over in the Dominican Republic. Funds were raised so they were able to get uniforms so they can start playing other teams in the surrounding area. So I would like to introduce Derlin Tejada Academia De Beisbol. Please see the their new uniforms below:

We would like to thank all the families who donated baseball gear to these young boys. You truly had an impact on their lives. These simple donations of used gear gave them HOPE and to know that they are LOVED by an organization all the way across the world in the USA who share the love of baseball with these boys. Please see the attached photos I received of the boys receiving the donations and look at those SMILES. We will definitely continue to grow this relationship with this community and will have more opportunities to serve and grow with them.



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